Senator Laura Ellman SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Ellman supports the continued efforts to increase representation by women in technology positions, and has therefore advanced new legislation that establishes a task force to assist with the recruiting and support of women in this field.

“Technology is a fast-growing field, and needs qualified professionals to guide us through ever-changing advancements,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “This legislation aims to provide women qualified for these technology positions an opportunity to join this field and succeed.”

Senate Bill 2682 creates the Women in Technology Task Force and includes guidelines for the appointments, meetings, duties, and overview of the task force. The goal of this legislation is to increase the representation of women in jobs based around technology.

“The Women in Technology Task Force is committed to promoting equal opportunities and access for women of all backgrounds in the technology industry, which is marked by underrepresentation,” said Ellman. “With artificial intelligence and social media algorithms making inroads into deeper reaches of our lives, it is important that women – from diverse backgrounds – shape the present and the future.”

Senate Bill 2682 passed the Senate State Government Committee and heads to the full Senate for consideration.